There are other phases that are quite variable, having more to do with the emotional stages the partners will go through, together or seperately, than with the events of their lives or their biological aging process. Although not every couple is exactly the same, there are many things that they will go through which, during the course of them, will tend to change the frequency with which they engage in lovemaking.
The honeymoon phase is quite often the most arduous of all the stages the couple will go through. They have just realized the dream come true of their union and especially for those who have never lived together up until this point, everything is new and exciting. They have only just begun their journey together, yet they usually make love as though every day could be the last. Not having had years of discovering one another's preferences yet, theirs is alot of learning, in which quantity is key with quality still in the development stages.
Many couples will begin to increase their family within the first few years of their marriage, bringing the joy of children along. They may be surprised to learn that the little one's needs will be quite demanding and exhausting, leaving them with almost no energy for anything but getting through each day in the beginning. The child-rearing years have begun.
The once passionate lovers are now mommy and daddy. This can take some getting used to, but if they want to keep the home fires burning, they will eventually figure out how to manage both their time and their energy to allow for intimacy to continue. It will be different, but it can be even better than before.
As the children begin to leave the nest, the couple will find themselves either closer than ever or wondering what to do now that it's just the two of them again. This will be dependent, of course, on how the relationship was nurtured during the growing years.
Hopefully, they have kept the spark and will find a glorious reunion of sorts, but not always. Some couples devote almost all of their love and energy to the kids and forget that it all began with two people, two passionate lovers. These couples may need to find their way back into one another's arms, but this time of change can be incredibly delightful. They have had quantity and now quality should be the order of the day.
The couple will retire at some point, generally around the ages of fifty-five to seventy, and don't even try to tell me that it's all over between them sexually by then. For some it is, but that is because they allow it to be, possibly even choose for it to be. I am not there yet, but my grandmother has assured me that it is the best age as far as being lovers is concerned.
Your confidence is strong because your relationship has endured and grown secure over the years.
Your understanding of one another's needs and desires is almost complete. You aren't as concerned with looking perfect as you once were. You are lovers, you are in love, plain and simple. What started as two is drawing to the conclusion in like manner. There has been alot in between, but everything has drawn you ever closer.
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