But did you know that the 30s are considered the best years of a woman's life? They're the best years for settling down, having kids, and best of all, the best years for sex.
While admitting that there is no hormonal reason to explain this claim, Gynaecologist Dr Charles Rockhead said it is a fact that women enjoy better sex from ages 30 to 40.
"I think the reason is more psychological than hormonal," Dr Rockhead said. "You find that women in that age bracket are more stable, more self-aware, more accepting of who they are. Sometimes the children are grown and it now leaves her time to relax and be more affectionate to her partner," he explained.
Sex therapist Dr Sidney McGill said from his anecdotal experience, it is true that women at this age enjoy better sex.
"By the time they move from young adults to middle age, they would have had children, settled in their career, developed many skills and so they end up being confident and sure," Dr McGill said. "So lovemaking has less anxiety surrounding it."
He said other contributing factors to her having better sex are that she would have learnt men's strengths and weaknesses and can use this in her favour; she knows the difference between love and lust; she is smarter and more understanding and has a better sense of self-understanding.
Here are some other ways in which women over 30 have more fun:
Better sex:
According to 38-year-old Claudette Whyte, women in their 30's do have better sex. "I have more fun with sex now than ever before. I am no longer concerned with whether or not I am doing it right, I am in it to enjoy myself and ultimately please him. Experience is on my side and so I know just where to touch him to get him all heated up" she told All Woman. Claudette is only one of many women who have attested to this experience, with some saying that at this age they are highly sexed and can't seem to get enough.
More confident:
In entering a relationship, a woman over 30 knows exactly what she wants and does not feel she is 'lucky' to have landed a particular man. In fact she now begins to feel he is lucky to have gained her interest. "When you're young and meet a man who drives a car, you feel that you have got yourself a catch," 34-year-old Fiona told All Woman. "But after 30 you realise that it has to be about the character and the way he treats you and makes you feel. You realise that you can now demand what you want instead of settling for anything from him out of fear of losing him."
More settled:
Women in their 30s sees marriage and children as an ideal. "By this age many women are settled; they know what they want and where they're heading in life," Pastor Dalton Broomfield said. "At this age she's ripe for the picking for a man who wants similar things." Indeed, women in their 30s are focused on building their families and making their marriages work. If she is single, she is now looking for a lifetime partner and not a playboy figure. She is now more experienced and knows the green lights and the red lights when it comes to relationships, family and career.
More workable goals:
She is more practical in her goals and aspirations since she has more than likely tried a few and from experience knows what works and what doesn't. Her added confidence will allow her to venture into fresh waters and succeed at what she does.
Good counsellor:
A woman in her 30s makes a good counsellor as like fine wine, women get better and more experienced with age. Experts say that as a woman ages she's more in tuned with what she wants and what's happening around her, as she brushes off the whims and fantasies of girlhood and becomes more mature. She is therefore able to counsel with knowledge and experience. This makes her not only a good counsellor but an ideal friend.
Attracts more men:
A woman in her 30s becomes conscious of her appearance and will endeavour to go overboard in making herself look and feel attractive. She will now treat herself to massages, facials, mani-pedis, experiment with hair styles — whatever it takes to make her look and feel good about herself. As a result, a woman in her 30s will have a certain kind of confidence that draws men to her.
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