As Partners Share Loving Validations They Can:
Gaze into each other's eyes with deep sincere love and respect,
Hold each other dressed or undressed as they share,
Lightly caress and touch each other being sure that the touch is not intended to arouse, but to express the loving thought.
Respecting a Male Sexual Partner
When it comes to validating the male, it is best to play to the aspect of respect. In particular, men enjoy validation for the things they do, provide, and protect.
These types of validations are often more meaningful than validating their inner qualities, though men do enjoy hearing about how they can be courageous, full of integrity, intelligent and industrious, to name a few more masculine elements.
Loving a Female Sexual Partner
As for a woman, she typically enjoys being validated for her qualities of being, more than doing. She may be especially sensitive to comments on her smile, looks, laughter, compassion, beauty, style, warmth, wit, and so forth. And, she may enjoy hearing how she is a good help mate, wise, sexy, nurturing, and supportive. What matters most is that the inner qualities are stressed more than her outer activities.
Loving a Female Sexual Partner
As for a woman, she typically enjoys being validated for her qualities of being, more than doing. She may be especially sensitive to comments on her smile, looks, laughter, compassion, beauty, style, warmth, wit, and so forth. And, she may enjoy hearing how she is a good help mate, wise, sexy, nurturing, and supportive. What matters most is that the inner qualities are stressed more than her outer activities.
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